Crate looking_glass[][src]

Expand description

Looking Glass provides reflection for virtually any Rust type. It does this through a set of traits, and type-erasing enums.

We allow the user to store any type, regardless of lifetime, through a trait called Instance. Instance has a lifetime attached to it, that outlives the lifetime of any type it downcasts to. This ensures that lifetime guarantee are maintained at compile-time. Much like std::any::Any, we perform runtime type-checks to ensure type-safety.

Generally it is best to use the derive macros from looking_glass_derive to implement the various traits here, as care must be taken when implementing them to not enable undefined behaviour. Check out the docs for Value, StructInstance, VecInstance, OptionInstance, and EnumInstance for


Struct reflection

use looking_glass::Typed;
use looking_glass_derive::Instance;

#[derive(Instance, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Foo {
 text: String,
 int: i32,

let test = Foo { text: "Test".to_string(), int: -2 };
let val = test.as_value();
let inst = val.as_reflected_struct().unwrap();
let value  = inst.get_value("text").expect("field not found");
let text = value.as_ref().borrow::<&String>().expect("borrow failed");
assert_eq!(text, &test.text);

Vec reflection

use looking_glass::{Typed, VecInstance};

let vec = vec!["test".to_string(), "123".to_string(), "foo".to_string()];
let first = vec.get_value(0).expect("get value failed");
assert_eq!(first, "test".to_string().as_value());

Safety Details

We can’t use std::any::TypeId, like std::any::Any does. So instead we create an enum called ValueTy that describes the reflected type. ValueTy internally stores the std::any::TypeId of a type. For types with generic lifetimes (or non-static lifetimes) we require that the implementer return the std::any::TypeId of the static version of that type. Imagine a struct defined like: struct Foo<'a>(&'a str). The ValueTy for this type would be constructed like so:

let _ = ValueTy::Struct(std::any::TypeId::of::<Foo<'static>>());


A cheaply cloneable and sliceable chunk of contiguous memory.

As tree structure that repersents a set of nested fields.

A SmolStr is a string type that has the following properties:

A container for a type-erased value.


A reflected field of an enum

An enum containing an owned copy of a Value

A description of a reflected type


A extension trait that provides downcasting

A reflected enum

A trait for types that are stored directly in Value.

Any reflected type

A ext trait for looking_glass_derive meant to consume a OwnedValue and return T

A trait for types that are stored directly in Value.

A reflected struct

Any type that can be contained in a Value

Provides inst_ty for any Typed type

A reflected Vec